I have wanted to start a blog for sooo long but I never really had any good ideas for one.
The first blog I started was about my love for wine and cheese and was appropriately titled:
Wait for it....
"Brie's Cheese Log"
My goal was to write reviews of different wines and cheeses that were available in my grocery store and also sprinkle in some of my real life happenings along the way. In theory it was a good idea, but I never even got past my first cheese review!
Flash forward 3 years to today and my life has changed so much. I'm married to my best friend and love of my life Mark and we will celebrate our 2 year anniversary in June!
Picture Note: That's our caricature from our first trip to Disney in 2008!
And I'm a new mama to our son Jack who just celebrated his 1st birthday on Tuesday!
More changes are beginning for us too.
Mark just started a new job in a new city 45 minutes north of where we live now.
I am finishing Radiography school next Friday (an amazing story for another time about these 2 years!)
We are closing on the sale of our condo in 2 weeks and moving to a new city 2 days after that!
These are exciting busy times for us and I can't wait for the journey ahead!
Thus a blog is born...
Join us wont you?
Bri AKA Winey Wife (more about that name later)