Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Eat Right To Feel Right


Last night was Jack's final Parent-Tot Swim class.  For the past 8 Monday's we went to our High School pool for an intro to swimming class for kids ages 6 months to 3 years old.  It was fun and he really liked it.  I'm so glad he is more comfortable in the water now.  Afterwards, we went out to celebrate with some frozen yogurt at Wild Blue.  My sister and nephew were also in the same swim class and we celebrated together!

So...by the time we got home is was 7:45pm and we still had to do the whole get-the-kids-to-bed-circus haha!  And I didn't get my run in, but I did run around the house with Jack for a little bit during the day and we did the swim class so I counted that as my 20 minutes of cardio.  It's tough sometimes to fit everything into one day!

Yesterday's Sunset Challenge was to create a Vision Board or an idea/picture of what my goals are for completing the Bikini Series.  I didn't make a collage, but I did think of my goals and I will insert them here so I can look back for a reminder.

1.  A toned body
2.  Healthy skin
3.  A positive attitude
4.  Run longer distances
5.  More energy
6.  Feel happier

Today the schedule is to do the Full Body Workout and a Yoga Routine.  I should have done the Full Body Workout this morning before the kids got up, but I thought I might like to do it tonight after they go to bed.  I did do the Yoga Video during the kids nap time.  It didn't go that well.

First of all, it was the first time I had ever followed this particular video so I was having to look up a lot to see what she was doing.  Second, I didn't really eat that well this morning.  I had coffee and cereal with milk.  Then we went shopping with my Mom and she treated us to McDonald's where I had a cheeseburger and fries. 

Disclaimer! I do not eat fast food very often!  I know it is the worst food ever, but sometimes it sounds good ya know?  Anyway I didn't feel bad until I started the yoga.  I felt nauseous and a little lightheaded.  Luckily it was a shorter yoga video and I finished, but then quickly got some water and a protein bar and sat down. 

There's my proof right there, that you have to eat right to feel right.  I plan on snacking more this afternoon and eating dinner before I workout tonight. 

My grocery trip this week will be focused on buying some healthier snacks for the whole family!
What kinds of healthy snacks do you eat?

Love,  WW

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